yellow daffodils
I didn’t mean to abuse and hurt you
I was a fool that much was so true
Swimming with all the yellow daffodils
My love so golden, so bright
Now you are gone, I see all of the light now
I was confused I didn’t know what to do
Love pulled me in so many strange ways
And robbed us of our days
Of our days, flying high, dragonflies in the a blue sky
My heart beats, beats for you, only you
Can you forgive me? And can you hear me?
Do you know that I will always love you?
Swimming with all the yellow daffodils
My love so golden, so bright
You have shown me so much about life
I feel your presence each and every day
Love pulled me in so many strange ways
And robbed us of our days
Of our days, flying high, dragonflies in the a blue sky
My heart beats, beats for you, only you
My heart beats, beats for you, only you
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