“AI vs Human Differences”
I am a computer program designed to assist with tasks and answer questions to the best of my ability based...
Outline of world religions
Outline of world religions [referencing Huston Smith) Defining religion A religious story, rising out of religious experiences, encoded in symbols,...
“Why do things happen at the time when we give up?”
They often ask, "Why do things happen at the time when we give up?"Because when you give up, your mind...
The great Reset
The Great Reset for DummiesWhere do we go from here?Oh no.What is “the Great Reset”?The Great Reset is a massively funded,...
Lao Tzu
"Işığa giden yol karanlık gibi görünür,ileriye giden yol geri dönüyormuş gibi görünür,kestirme giden yol dolambaçlı gibi görünür,güç zayıflık gibi görünür,gerçek...
According To Shamans There Are Only 3 Causes Of Our Diseases.
According To Shamans There Are Only 3 Causes Of Our Diseases. Shamans are not sorcerers, they are real men and...
Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi
Dünyada olabilecek her bir olay için misal aleminde sayısız ihtimal uyur. Siz ağzınızdan çıkardığınız sözlerle o ihtimalleri uyandırırsınız. Güzel kelimeler...
Brainwave Frequency Listing-Vlail Kaznacheyev
Brainwave Frequency Listing Glossary Adrenal - An organ located above the kidneys - it manufactures a natural steroid called cortisol, which is...
Attention: A focus on the thought. Intention: The meaning behind the thought. Action: Actually doing something to communicate your thoughts....